jueves, 28 de septiembre de 2017

jueves, 5 de enero de 2017

Diálogos e Interpretaciones VI: EROS
International Portfolio Exchange Curated by Jorge Eliécer Rodríguez Osorio.

I`m pleased to invite you to participate in this special edition of Diálogos E Interpretaciones 2017. We greatly appreciate the commitment you have shown to our project and contemporary printmaking. This portfolio is a celebration of our 6th Anniversary and you. 

Theme: EROS
Eros was the Greek god of love, son of Aphrodite and either Ares or Hermes. In some myths, he was considered a primordial god, a child of Chaos, who blessed the union of Gaia and Uranus after which the universe came into existence.
Especially in later works by satirical poets, he was depicted as a blindfolded male, who, carrying his bow and arrow, could target any human being and make them fall in love with the first person they would see. One of the most prevalent myths in ancient Greece was that of Eros and Psyche; according to it, Aphrodite was jealous of the beauty of mortal princess Psyche and told her son to make her fall in love with the ugliest creature on earth. However, Eros fell for her instead and took her to his divine abode. However, Psyche's jealous sisters led Psyche to betray Eros, who abandoned her; Psyche, wandering the Earth for her lost love, approached Aphrodite for help. Aphrodite created a series of tasks for Psyche which she successfully passed, and hence, Aphrodite decided to concede. Since then, Psyche became immortal and united with her husband. They had a daughter, Hedone (meaning bliss).
Eros Is also called Cupid, Erotas.
Captured (http://www.greekmythology.com/Other_Gods/Eros/eros.html) December 20, 2016

Artists will create a limited edition print based on the theme EROS using any traditional printmaking technique(s); relief, lithograph, intaglio, serigraph, mokulito, waterless, etching (No Strait Digital, no copy). 

Requirements: No exceptions
  • Ø  Paper Size: 8” x 8” (20cm x 20cm) no larger or smaller.
  • Ø  Image size: Any size that fits paper dimensions
  • Ø  Edition Size: 30- Limited edition- numbered beginning at 1/30 and ending at 30/30, paper type
    consistent within edition, titled, signed, and dated (variable editions and variation in paper type not accepted). Each artist will receive a portfolio of all 29 prints submitted. Portfolio will be exhibited at Festival Internacional de Arte Contemporáneo - University of Caldas, Manizales, Colombia and other possible venues.
  • Ø  Printmaking Media: Any traditional printmaking technique(s): Relief, Lithography, Intaglio, Serigraphy, mokulito, waterless, etching or combination of techniques (No straight Digital, no copy).
  • Ø  Interleaving: Glassine cut to paper size 8” x 8” ( 20cm x 20cm)
  • Ø  Shipping Materials: ship prints in a sturdy reusable container that will accommodate an
    8,5” x 8,5”x 1” cachet portfolio.
Artist Information: Please type Name, Title, Technique(s), email, Complete Mailing address and include with prints.
  • ➢  E-mail a photograph,
  • ➢  The biography of the artist and write a text of 500 words on the concept statement; This with the purpose of appending in the catalog.
    Ø Participation Fee:  (covers presentation folios, shipping fees, catalogue and promotion).
Ø Payments accepted: , account name is JORGE  RODRÍGUEZ, 
I.D. #

Schedule: Please Respect All Deadlines 

Feb 17th , 2017 Confirm Participation via email. Please let us know if you accept our invitation. We will not be offended if you decline. If you accept and later must withdraw inform us as soon as possible so we may invite another artist.

February 21st until March 17st 2017 Fee Due 

Jun 2th, 2017 Prints Due (Not a postmark date. Prints must be received by Jun 2th ) International artists mark package “No Commercial Value” for customs. 
Ship to:  
Jorge Eliécer Rodríguez Osorio 
Carrera 21 No 13-02
Edificio Palacio de Bellas Artes 

Manizales, Colombia 
Contacts: artescultura@ucaldas.edu.co

martes, 4 de octubre de 2016

Jorge Eliécer Rodríguez Osorio - Docente Asociado Universidad de Caldas OBRAS: CURRACA (mándala xilografía). performance Sanar-T . Manizales Colombia


Octubre 1 de 2016 Hora 7:00 p.m.
Lugar : Parque “Ramón Cardona” Palacio de Bellas Artes – Manizales - Colombia

El sentir de participar en el Primer Festival de Arte Contemporáneo es con el propósito de generar un espacio que evidencie la producción artística en relación a los procesos estéticos contemporáneos pensados desde el arte como factor terapéutico y sanador, factor que revitalice el significado del arte actual, lejos de ser un producto de consumo cultural y acercándose más al hecho de ser vivenciado como elemento revitalizador para el alma y el cuerpo. Otorgar una alternativa a lo que en la actualidad exige el mundo de la “imagen” mediática e inmediata. Una alternativa que significa y connota el arte y su mirada frente a los acontecimientos de nuestra ciudad. Paralelamente se pretende organizar un debate sobre que se entiende por despertar la consciencia, por sustentar nuestras acciones pensando desde la naturaleza; igual soportar la estética desde el ámbito terapéutico y sanador que a través de sus sonidos, formas, colores, aromas, sensaciones despierten un caudal de energía vitalizadora que transforme la condición de nuestro “ser” y de nuestro cuerpo físico-cuerpo astral. Poder visualizar una  acción  ritualistica de los pueblos Embera - Chamí y poder indagar en torno al arte la relación de la energía cósmica y la energía vital de los individuos y como estas son relevantes para el acontecer diario y el fluir constante con el mismo universo.
Como entendemos el arte como factor sanador  en relación al pensamiento aborigen como se permite el sentir y el pensar desde la misma “ley de origen” la cual se sustenta desde la “madre tierra”; queda  en evidencia que no se presentará un objeto artístico, de consumo cultural, sino que sentimos entregar una acción performatica que indague y a la vez problematice la relación del arte con la convivencia.
A través de diferentes manifestaciones artísticas expresamos lo que guardamos en nuestro interior. Nuestros conflictos, miedos, angustias, necesidades, frustraciones, anhelos, sueños… afloran cuando nos dejamos llevar por la obra que estemos representando.